Vasil Duev, the director with the Bulgarian team bring ” Truth or Dare ” to the PITF 2019 competition program.

Director Vasil Duev was born in 1990 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He completed his Master’s Degree in Film and Television Arts at New Bulgarian University ” NBU ”, while he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in acting at the National Academy for Theater and Television Arts, as well as for theater directing at the same academy.

He directed many plays, such as “Truth or Dare”, “Croissant”, “The Comic Illusion”, “The Bald Soprano”, “Birdy”, “Extra Terrestrial”, “Show Must Go On”, “Wartime Phantasms” “,” Lonesome characters “etc.

He has received dozens of awards in the role of director, author and actor at national and international festivals.

He comes to PITF this edition as a director, meanwhile in the previous edition, he starred in the cast of ‘Chicken’, a performance that was awarded as the best play.

Bulgaria’s ‘Truth or Dare’ closes the competition program this edition, on the final night, on Saturday 9th of November 2019.


Two brothers, the authors of the play from Croatia ‘’Voliš li me?’’ (‘’Do you love me?’’)

Janez Vajevec (older brother), is a Slovenian actor, (also a Prešeren Award-winning student), who was interested in the approach of the acting studio in drama and film.

He wrote to Elijah Kazan and met him in 1970 in New York. Kazan suggested that he joined the Lee Strasberg Institute. So, he got deeply involved in the theater world.

Meanwhile, the younger brother Andrej studied in 1979 with De Fazi, Geraldine Barron, Marc Marlow, Hedy Sontag and others.

After their studies, brothers Janez and Andrej founded Game Studio in Ljubljana and later in 1989 they opened it in Zagreb, Croatia.

They continue to create works of art and we are delighted to have them at the Prishtina International Theater Festival 2019 with their play, along with the actors: Vesna Tominac Matačić and Žiga Čamernik.

The play is due on Friday, November 8, 2019.

Directed by Zana Hoxha, in the PITF 2019 scene, comes ” Much Ado About Nothing ”.

The play ” Much Ado About Nothing ” by the team from Kosovo is a production of ”Hadi Shehu” theater.

Shakespeare’s comic play is brought by director Hoxha to a completely different concept, with the cast consisting of: Valmir Krasniqi, Nedja Pylla, Mikel Markaj, Vlora Dervishi, Edmond Hafizademi, Ylber Mehmeti, Besfort Berberi, Valon Pallaska, Edi Gjakova, Hysen Binaku Yllka Lota, Altina Kusari.

Zana Hoxha, born in 1981, is a professional theater director, founder and executive director of the Artpolis Art and Community Center, an organization that promotes art and diversity through social dialogue and community integration.

She has produced more than 20 theatrical performances which have been presented in the largest theaters of Kosovo, in the Balkan region (Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia), and she has also presented her work as an artist / activist / trainer also in the United States of America, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Zana has been the director of the theater department at SKENA UP festival from 2004-2011, artistic director of the Professional Theater from 2011-2014, as well as the founder and director of the largest feminist festival in the Balkans of FEMART artists and activists.

She is also selected as IVLP Aluminum (International Visitor Program in the United States of America) and winner of many awards for her contribution as a filmmaker in Kosovo and the region.

By combining art and activism, she uses theater as a social rights advocate focusing on raising awareness of gender-based violence, human rights and diversity.

She is proud to be part of the board of the Kosovo Women’s Network, a lecturer and trainer specializing in Forum Theater and a supporter of empowering and emancipating women activists.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see ” Much Ado About Nothing ” on November the 7th, 2019.

Tea Begovska, the author, director and actress of the play ”I’m actor human ” from North Macedonia, is coming to PITF 2019.

Tea Begovska is a theater director, graduated from ESRA University of Audiovisual Arts, where she also specialized in the theater arts department.

She presented her diploma thesis at the Stip National Theater, presenting the play “Maids” by Jeanne Jeannet.

In 2012, she was part of the directors of the “Ring Road” play at the Skopje Drama Theater.

Since then, Begovska has been working in an alternative space, creating theater plays: “Three Sisters (2013)”, “Silence” (2014), “Control” (2014), for which she received the award for director’s approach at the Risto Shishkov festival in Strumica, “Let’s Have Sex” (2015), “Cigarettes Without Cigarettes” (2016), “Look Feel Listen” (2018), “I’m Actor Human” (2018), for which she received two awards, one in Slovenia for best performance, and the NETA award for the research of acting secrets at the Risto Shishkov festival.

She also works as a mentor of film and theater. Her work has been performed in several cities, theater and art festivals in Macedonia: “Risto Shishkov”, “Vojdan Cernodrisnki”, IMPACT, “BOSH”, MOT, AKTO, Skopje Summer, Faces without masks. Since 2014, she has been employed as a director at the Skopje Drama Theater.

In PITF 2019, Begovska comes along with fellow actors from the play “I’m Actor Human”, Tome Stankovski and Darijan Petrov.

These three actors actively communicate with the audience throughout the stories they share, seeking support and approval for the difficulties they face, and the empathy they provoke for them, which is a sense of self that we see through another’s perspective.

The whole actor-audience game is conveyed through a comical way, in which sadness and suffering become ludicrous and meaningless.

”I’m actor human” will play on the third night of the festival.

Do not miss it! #PITF2019

Nata e dytë e ‘’Prishtina International Theater Festival’’ sjell shfaqjen e parë të programit konkurrues, shfaqjen nga Greqia ‘’Moskov Selim’’.

‘’Moskov Selim’’ është një produksion i Teatrit Papalangki në Greqi, me tekst të Georgios Vizyinos dhe në regji të Tasos Angelopoulos.

Në rolet e shfaqjes janë: Elli Sarri, Maria Constanta, Angelos Prokopios Nerantzis dhe Christos Tsavlidis.

‘’Moskov Selim’’, kryevepra që flet për historinë e një turku, i cili dëshiron të bëhet rus, shkruar nga një Grek gjatë shekullit XIX. Georgios Vizyinos, autori, është një nga shkrimtarët më të veçantë Grekë të shekullit XIX. Lindur dhe rritur në Thraki, ai përshkruan në tregimet e tij fatin e përbashkët të popujve të Ballkanit në fund të shekullit XIX dhe nën sundimin otoman.

Performanca, duke u mbështetur në materiale nga tradita e zakonshme e popujve të Ballkanit, na çon, në një mënyrë imagjinare, në Thrakinë multikulturore dhe historinë e trazuar të shekullit XIX, duke e lidhur të djeshmen me të sotmen.

Përmes narracionit të aventurave të heroit të tij, shkrimtari na fton të zbulojmë tjetrin pranë nesh dhe në fund, ta kuptojmë veten.

Shfaqja do të jepet të marten, më 5 nëntor 2019, nga ora 19:30.

Ju mirëpresim.

Second Night of ”Prishtina International Theater Festival” brings the first performance of the competitive program, the performance of “Moscow Selim” from Greece.

‘Moscow Selim’ is a production of the Papalangki Theater in Greece, written by Georgios Vizyinos and directed by Tasos Angelopoulos.

The cast is made of: Elli Sarri, Maria Constanta, Angelos Prokopios Nerantzis and Christos Tsavlidis. ”Moscow Selim”, a masterpiece about the story of a Turk who wants to become a Russian was written by a 19th-century Greek named Georgios Vizyinos, who is one of the most unique Greek writers of the 19th century.

Born and raised in Thrace, he describes in his stories, the fate of the Balkan people in the late 19th century while under Ottoman rule.

The performance, drawing on material from the common tradition of the Balkan people, takes us, through an imaginary journey to the multicultural Thrace and the tumultuous history of the 19th century, linking the past with the present.

The play will begin on Tuesday, November the 5th 2019 from 19:30 pm.

Welcome to # PITF2019

Po afron PITF 2019..

‘’Prishtina International Theater Festival’’ 2019, edicioni i tretë, do të fillojë të hënën më 4 nëntor.

Në natën e parë, PITF do të ketë ceremoninë e hapjes, por krahas hapjes, do të luhet shfaqja musafire ‘’Bretkosa’’, që nuk garon në program, por e hap festivalin.

“Bretkosa” një dramë që të prek thellë, e autorit nga Kroacia, Dubravko Mihanoviq, e adaptuar për shikuesit e Kosovës nga dramaturgja Seadet Beqiri, ka në role: Ilir Tafa, Donat Qosja, Basri Shala dhe Valmir Krasniqi.
Traumat e luftës që përcillen në këtë shfaqje, nën regjinë e Burbuqe Berishës dhe ass.regjinë e Ledri Vulës, ku shtjellohet në detaje e vërteta e dhimbshme, e cila po i përcjell të gjitha shtresat e shoqërisë kosovare edhe 20 vjet pas luftës.

Pas kësaj shfaqje, si dhe pas cdo shfaqje tjetër, do të ketë program percjellës (after-party), ku pas shijimit të shfaqjes, mund të argëtoheni nën tinguj muzikorë.

Ne ju presim që nga e hëna, që të jeni pjesë e festivalit të vetëm ndërkombëtar të teatrove në Kosovë.

The time of PITF 2019 is nigh..

The third edition of ”Pristina International Theater Festival” 2019, will begin on Monday, November 4th.

On the first night, PITF will have its opening ceremony, and alongside this opening, a guest performance of ‘The Frog’ will be played, which does not compete in the program with the rest of the plays.

“The Frog” is a deeply affecting drama by Croatian author Dubravko Mihanovic adapted for Kosovo viewers by playwright Seadet Beqiri, starring Ilir Tafa, Donat Qosja, Basri Shala and Valmir Krasniqi.

The traumas of war portrayed in this play, directed by Burbuqe Berisha and assistant-director Ledri Vula, elaborate on the painful truth that has followed all levels of Kosovar society even 20 years after the war.

After this show, as well as every show thereafter, there will be an after-party program for the visitors to have fun and socialize.

We can’t wait for you to be a part of the only international theater festival in Kosovo. We welcome you on Monday.

Hyjnesha e edicionit të tretë të “Prishtina International Theater Festival” vjen me një iris në kokë

Edicioni i tretë i festivalit të vetëm ndërkombëtar të teatrove në Kosovë, tashmë ka hyrë në fazën finale të përgatitjeve.

Nga data 04-09 nëntor 2019, në dy skenat e Teatrit AAB “Faruk Begolli” në Kolegjin AAB, do të ngjiten shtatë trupa artistike në programin konkurrues, të cilat vijnë nga Kosova, Maqedonia e Veriut, Greqia, Bullgaria e Kroacia.

Programit garues të këtij edicioni, do t’ i paraprijë shfaqja nikoqire, prodhim i Teatrit AAB “Bretkosa” në regji të Burbuqe Berishës, e cila do të jepet jashtë programit garues, në natën e 04 nëntorit.

Edicioni i tretë i PITF2019, vjen më i veçantë nga ana vizuale për shkak të brendingut. Hyjnesha në fron, që është simbol i këtij festivali ndërkombëtar, këtë vit vjen me një lule Irisi në kokë. Lulja iris në mitologji është simbol i numrit 3 (tre), dhe përfaqëson besimin, urtësinë dhe guximin.

Andaj duke dashur të theksohet besimi se duke vepruar me urtësi dhe guxim, mund t’ ia dalim të krijojmë një festival i cili do të përmendet larg dhe gjatë, moto e edicionit të tretë do të jetë pikërisht kjo: Besim. Dije. Guxim.

Sikur edhe në edicionet e mëhershme, ajo që e dallon PITF, përveç programit ndërkombëtar, është edhe programi përcjellës në mbrëmjet pas shfaqjeve, ku të gjithë pjesëmarrësit do të kenë mundësi të argëtohen nga bende e artistë të ndryshëm.

Përveç kësaj, vet ambienti universitar ku zhvillohet ky festival, krijon një atmosferë më ndryshe sepse dominon vrulli rinor, andaj janë arsye më shumë këto për ta ndjekur PITF 2019, sepse i kontribuojmë kulturës dhe ndjekim trendët e të rinjve.

Festivali do të ketë dy lloj biletash: festival pass që do të jetë e vlefshme për të gjithë programin dhe biletat e veçanta për shfaqje.

Studentët do të kenë prioritet sepse biletat do t’ u ofrohen me çmime speicale, ndërsa po ashtu edhe transporti nga qyteti në kampusin e Kolegjit AAB do të jetë gratis për të gjithë vizitorët.

Biletat do të dalin në shitje gjatë javës, prandaj ajo që mbetët të bëni, është të rezervoni ato dhe të mos e huqni asnjë nga mbrëmjet e PITF 2019.

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION at the 3rd International Theater Festival

“Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF 2019”
November 4-9, 2019, in Prishtina

“Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF” and AAB Theater “Faruk Begolli” from Prishtina invite all interested parties (professional theaters, theater companies, independent theater companies and other forms of theater productions) to apply for participation in the third edition of PITF 2019 Festival, which will be held from 04-09 November 2019, at AAB College in Pristina.

The festival has a competitive character, with a professional jury as well as two separate student and media juries. The festival will reward the best actor / actress as well as the Best Performance, without limitation on genre.

The aim of the festival is to present high-quality theater projects from all over the world and to exchange thoughts, ideas, plans, experiences, and future collaborations.

Applications can be submitted until October 25, 2019.

The final selection will be made known by the end of October 2019.

The festival will cover the expenses on travel, scenography transportation, accommodation (with breakfast), lunch, cocktails after each show, and tickets for all other festival performances.

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION at the 3rd International Theater Festival “Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF 2019”

November 4-9, 2019, in Prishtina

“Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF” and AAB Theater “Faruk Begolli” from Prishtina invite all interested parties (professional theaters, theater companies, independent theater companies and other forms of theater productions) to apply for participation in the third edition of PITF 2019 Festival, which will be held from 04-09 November 2019, at AAB College in Pristina.

The festival has a competitive character, with a professional jury as well as two separate student and media juries. The festival will reward the best actor / actress as well as the Best Performance, without limitation on genre.

The aim of the festival is to present high-quality theater projects from all over the world and to exchange thoughts, ideas, plans, experiences, and future collaborations.

Applications can be submitted until October 20, 2019.

The final selection will be made known by the end of October 2019.

The festival will cover the expenses on travel, scenography transportation, accommodation (with breakfast), lunch, cocktails after each show, and tickets for all other festival performances.

More about previous

[email protected] [email protected]

THIRRJE PËR PJESËMARRJE Në Festivalin e 3-të Ndërkombëtar të Teatrit “Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF 2019” 04-09 nëntor 2019, në Prishtinë

Festivali Ndërkombëtar i Teatrove “Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF” dhe Teatri AAB “Faruk Begolli” nga Prishtina, ftojnë të gjitha palët e interesuara (teatrot profesionale, kompanitë teatrore, kompanitë e pavarura teatrore dhe format e tjera të prodhimeve teatrore) të aplikojnë për pjesëmarrje në edicionin e tretë të Festivalit PITF 2019, i cili do të mbahet nga 04-09 nëntor 2019, në Kolegjin AAB në Prishtinë.

Festivali ka karakter garues, me një juri profesionale si dhe dy juri të veçanta të studentëve dhe të medias. Festivali shpërblen aktorin/aktoren më të mirë si dhe ndan Çmimin për shfaqjen më të mirë, ndërsa nuk ka kufizim të zhanrit.

Qëllimi i festivalit është të prezantojë projektet teatrore me cilësi të lartë nga e gjithë bota dhe të shkëmbejë mendime, ide, plane dhe përvoja, si dhe bashkëpunimet e ardhshme në shkëmbimin e projekteve.

Aplikimet mund të dorëzohen deri më 25 tetor 2019.

Përzgjedhja përfundimtare do të dihet deri në fund të tetorit 2019.

Kushtet e festivalit: udhëtimi, transporti i skenografisë, akomodimi (me mëngjes), dreka, koktej pas çdo shfaqje, biletat për të gjitha shfaqjet e tjera në festival.

Më shumë rreth edicioneve të mëparshme:
[email protected]
[email protected]