Prishtina International Theater Festival 29th November - 5th December | 2018

Play “Like mother like daughter" / “Si nëna si e bija” / “Kakva majka takva kći””


Frano Marija Vranković


Jasmin Novljaković


  • Mia Krajcar
  • Mirta Zečević
  • Scenography/Costumes:

    Domagoj Klasić


    Damir Šimunović




    Duoadrama "Kakva majka, takva kći" prati turbulentan suživot Marije Jurić - Zagorke i njezine majke Josipe Jurić rođ. Domin od Zagorkinog rođenja 2. ožujka 1873. u kuriji Negrovec do njihovog posljednjeg susreta na sprovodu Zagorkine mlađe sestre Dragice, u Krapini 16. studenog 1897. godine. Tekst predstave baziran je na arhivskoj građi te Zagorkinom romanu "Kamen na cesti".

    Prishtina International Theater Festival
    Kolegji AAB © 2018 All rights reserved.

    The International Theater Festival "Prishtina International Theater Festival" was established in the premises of AAB Theater "Faruk Begolli" in June 2017. This theater operates within the AAB College in Pristina.

    The first edition of this festival is being held with the motto: "Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country..." We are pretending this festival to become a traditional and original event. more

    St. "Elez Berisha", nr. 56, 10000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

    29Nov - 6Dec | 2018
    +381 38 600 005